A common complaint we receive from clients is, “Even though we have decided on suppliers and buyers, we don’t know how to transport.”
Yes, people tend to forget about transportation.

The following items should be considered when transporting:
・Commodity fee
・Product fee payment method and payment term
・Confirm whether or not it can be imported into Japan.
・Transportation contract (confirmation of Incoterms)
・Transportation means and costs
・Customs duty/import consumption tax in Japan
・Post-import inspection costs, application costs, and permit procedures related to the Food Sanitation Act and Pharmaceutical Devices Act
especially, one issue that tends to be a problem when importing products is how to pay for the product.
There are various payment methods such as L/C payment.
What is L/C payment? What are Incoterms? I’m sure many of you have wondered this.
Check out the link for Incoterms!
Since these terms are quite important, we will start explanation series next time.