
Be careful with diatomaceous earth! ! !


From July 2021, inspection is required for importing diatomaceous earth mats, diatomaceous earth coasters, etc.


This is because from December 2020, it was discovered that diatomaceous earth bath mats imported and sold in Japan contained asbestos.
If even 0.1% of the weight contains asbestos, import is prohibited!

Importers are obligated to conduct inspections and report the analysis results within the inspection period specified by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

What is important is that the manufacturing lot number must match the product that has been inspected and certified.
If a match cannot be made, even if the same product is imported multiple times, it will be treated as different products and inspection will be required each time before importing.
*If the manufacturing lot cannot be confirmed, it is necessary to prove that the analysis documents correspond to the product.
*What is a production lot? →A unit of products manufactured by the same process within a certain period of time. A number is assigned to each lot to help identify products manufactured using the same process.

Before importing, it would be better to consult with the Labor Standards Inspection Office.